Historical meeting in ancient Cockfosters

After much planning and top level conferences a meeting finally took place in Cockfosters on Friday the 2nd of January 2009.
At the meeting were Gerry Chester (well known expert on tank warfare and late of the North Irish Hussars) Tom Canning (late of the 16/5th Lancers and other noted RTR regiments) and Ron Goldstein (diarist, photographer, bon viveur and late of the 4th Queen's Own Hussars).
Well done those men!
By the way, in the third shot, was that before or after you went to see the dancing sisters? :)
Trust you to spot that poster !
If the threesome are a 'Sister Act' (as the poster in the background says) dare I ask if this is an Andrews Sisters tribute act reunion? (Only joking)
Seems like a good time was had by all.
Hope the track pins on your zimmer frames were not loose, we usually had to knock them in for your lot.
There are so many things that come in threes like the three musketeers or the three wise men the three tenors but leaving out the stooges or the blind mice we now have the three tankies great photos lads
Regards niccar
Niccar you could even mention three brass balls, I am sure they had them the noise they made when we nicked their beer.
After swanning about at speed and throwing track plates all over the tank roads we would get a call. Arriving with our ARV's complete with cookers rations etc we would have a nice leisurely meal whilst they had to do the all round guard. First IA was go through the turret baskets and Ammo bins for the beer they always had, to drink with the grub.
Then after a bit of a chat we would go to work. "Core" the moaning that came from that lot, "grub smells good" you can have whats left. "Any hot tea" no we are drinking your beer. In the end we would brew up to shut them up.
All done and rolling, no thanks, just "you thieving lot of grease monkeys we will not get you out again" yeah we heard it all before.
They soon forgot and often bought us drinks in the pub later.
Not bad lads really.
Been having trouble with my server etc for some time and so unable to answer the few comments on our meeting in North London - it was a good meeting with many laughs and a few memories of paths being crossed etc - I have now had Gerry's account of my brigade actions in the Gothic Line Battles - and from this distance I am glad thet I was wounded when I was and missed w hole lot of borth afetr I left !
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