Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Addingham / Glassonby war memorials, Cumbria

1. Glassonby village, Cumbria
Turn left at the next lane for the parish church
2. Addingham / Glassonby parish church
Dedicated to the Archangel St Michael 
3. WW1 parish war memorial inside the church
4. Beatham family headstones in the churchyard
Four brothers lost their lives in WW1
(including Robert Matthew Beatham V.C.) 
5. WW2 parish war memorial inside the church

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Sunday, February 19, 2017

“Romany” (Rev. George Bramwell Evens)

1. Romany and his dog Raq
Romany was Rev. G. Bramwell Evens
He was a children's writer and radio broadcaster

[Dust cover of the biography by Mrs Eunice Evens]
2. Dust cover of one of Romany’s books:
"Out with Romany Once More" (1940) 
Romany travels the countryside on his vardo 
3. Entrance to Glassonby village, Eden valley, Cumbria
The former Methodist chapel can be seen on the left
Rev. G. Bramwell Evens regularly preached here
His spirit and soul remains at Glassonby:
His ashes were scattered at the nearby Old Parks Farm 
4. Romany Society memorial plaque (2003)
At the former Glassonby Methodist chapel
Rev. Bramwell Evens regularly preached here
5. The former Central Methodist Hall, Carlisle
Built during Romany's ministry at Carlisle
Rev. Evens was at Carlisle (1914 - 1926) 
6. Romany Society Memorial plaque (2003)
At the former Carlisle Central Methodist Hall
Rev. Evens was responsible for its building
 For additional information click on 'Comments' below.