Saturday, March 04, 2017

Broughton Moor, Cumbria in wartime

1. St Columba's Parish Church, Broughton Moor
(The war memorial is in the churchyard)
2. Broughton Moor war memorial
Originally dedicated in 1921 for WW1
The WW2 names were added in 1947 

3. Names listed on Broughton Moor war memorial
(Left): The list of those who died in WW1  
(Right): The list of those who died in WW2 
4. Poppy wreath tributes remembering the 'Fallen'
5. Memorial for victims of a wartime explosion
It happened at a R.N.A.D. on 18 January 1944

Broughton Moor, Cumberland (now Cumbria)

6. Headstone for Mary Katherine Barnes
Kathie died in the R.N.A.D. explosion
(Buried in Wigton Cemetery, Cumbria)
[Photograph submitted by Michael Deacon]
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Wednesday, March 01, 2017

The war memorials of Castle Carrock, Cumbria

1. St Peter’s parish church, Castle Carrock
(Where the parish war memorials are located)
2. Castle Carrock’s war memorials
(Left): The WW1 parish memorial
(Right): The WW2 parish memorial
[Located outside the main church entrance] 
3. Castle Carrock’s “Rolls of Honour”
(Left): The 1914 – 1915 “Roll of Honour”
(Right): The 1939 – 1945 “Roll of Honour”
4. Headstone of Marine Donald P. Armstrong
(Located in Castle Carrock churchyard)

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