Looking at Lew's "Air-Letters to Home"

Almost every Wednesday morning I drive to Edgware to visit my friend of some sixty-three years.
In theory, I am there to teach him computing but invariably he greets me at the door by saying "You've just got to see this Ron" and once inside his house out comes his box of memories and he will show me something I hadn't seen before.
Today, for instance, he showed me a bundle that consisted of every air-mail letter that he had ever written to his parents back home.
The one portrayed above mentions "this chap Ron".......I wonder who he was talking about :)
Are you going to transcribe some of these letters, and put them in the context of where and when they were written? I would put money on there being some real gems in those letter.
My Uncle Ronald and Aunt Marie (whom I wrote a lot about for the "People's War") had, I think, kept all the letters they had sent to each other during the war. To begin with they were just 'Pen Friends', then they became seethearts and eventually a married couple. After their last son got married and left home they decided to bury the letters in casket in a special place (I have an idea where this was).
For some reason my aunt and uncle kept two letters in another box of photographs and other things. With the family's permission I transcribed them for the "People's War". They were things that could be shared with others. Perhaps many of the other letters were personal between the two of them and preferred to keep it that way.
So, Lew might be persuaded to transcribe some of his 'wartime words of wisdom' for others who may be interested? And thanks for a most interesting insight into a friendship that has lasted over 60 years.
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